Fitur dari avast :
solved a compatibility problem with ZoneAlarm (WinXP)
added WebRep Chrome extension
improved installation of the WebRep plugins (especially Firefox)
various fixes and improvements in the avast sandbox
setup programs now smaller by ~20%
Community features and the Welcome screen can now be turned on/off directly from program settings
solved a compatibility problem with Outpost firewall
solved a bug related to the AutoSandbox offer (WinXP)
gadget can now be removed by simply closing it
solved a compatibility problem with GameGuard and sXe
SafeZone improvements
improved sandbox logging
SafeZone is now a standalone setup package (can be installed/uninstalled separately)
improvements in password processing
improvements in the program uninstaller
solved a memory leak in the avast gadget
fixes in the File System Shield transient cache
various stability/compatibility improvements
Download :
Download Avast Antivirus Pro 6.0.1091
Download Avast Internet Security 6.0.1091
Download Avast Uninstaller
Download Crack Until 2050
Instalasi via safemode:
1. Install Avast Internet security/Antivirus pro (aktifkan pada TRIAL mode) lalu restart
2. Pencet F8 dan masuk ke safemode
3. Replace file (ashBase.dll) dengan cracknya di direktori programnya (C:\Program Files\Avast\)
4. Restart/reboot.
kalo ada masalah, gak aktif dll... coba clean uninstall lagi avast nya pake tools diatas...
kemudian install lagi...
Klo udah di cracked jangan lupa add file ashBase.dll ke exclusion:
copy paste aja tulisan dibawah ini pada "path" exclusion nya...